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1-    If you are a Lebanese in Vancouver, constantly fight your initial instinct to cross the street. I dive head first into “Jay walking” on countless occasions and then retreat in shame when I remember that I have to push a button which will then stop traffic so that I can cross with everybody else.


2-    If someone on the street says “Good Morning”, you do not scream back: “SHU BADDA EMMAK?”

3-    You are forever doomed to walk to every and any location, in whatever kind of shitty rainy cold weather and Vancouver is BIG, and by Big I mean imagine how far everything is! Even if you are carrying this many things:


Sun, rain or shine, you must walk, even if you are shopping :S

4-    Vancouverites are super people. They can be wearing a sundress and Berks while my bones are shaking under seven, I kid you not, SEVEN layers.


Can you see the topless guy in the crowd ? It was EXTREMELY COLD OUTSIDE!

5-    I seriously took for granted the availability of fruit in the Arab world :S


The Iranians that we buy fruits and veggies from




6-   To “Busk” is to sing or perform on the street for money donations, and you need to have a license to do it.



This guy is Busking

7-    You just might get an invitation to become a Mason… I didn’t and that is all I will be saying about this 😛


8-    Do not watch Daytime television commercials, you will forever be scarred, brainwashed or pissed off.

9-    You cannot get anything but Pizza delivered to your home. I’m sooirey but that is one thing third world country kicks first world country ass in! Well I only have experience in Cairo and Beirut, and let me tell you, you almost never have to leave your house, for anything. Not for doing your hair, nails or eyebrows; Not for grocery shopping; not for movies, nor snacks, nor laundry, nor random small requests that you can just ask for on the way with the promise of a bigger tip….

10- So for me it was April 20 the day before my LSAT prep course started, so naturally I took a bus to the place I would have to be at tomorrow 9:00am. The University of British Columbia in Robson Square.


Lo and behold!

In Vancouver, April 20, at 4:20 pm is a widespread “aromatic” event. I got off the bus and got to where the class is supposed to be, picked up my jaw from the floor and took some photos.


11. The Vancouverites really love hockey!! A very important piece of information is: when in doubt, just scream: “GO CANUCKS”! Whatever or whoever that is.

They take this stuff very seriously. It’s what they live for, apparently…

12. It makes sense that they are so weird about picking your dog’s doodoo. There’s already so much goose shit, and it looks just like dog shit except no one is gonna pick up that stuff.

Please note, that it IS the LAW 😛

13. April 26 is National Jeans Day! Which means you can pay 5$ at “London Drugs” to wear a pin which allows you to wear Jeans to work and anywhere formal … It’s really funny. The money apparently goes to  BC kids, I don’t know what that means. I imagine them handing out 5$ to random school kids… 😛

14. How to Layer properly before leaving the house in Vancouver:

Step 1:


Step 2:


Step 3:


Step 4:


Step 5:


Step 6:


Step 7:


And now you are ready to go out!